Artificial Intelligence Visual Programming Platform

Programming tool for students in elementary and middle schools

Fang Xiaozhi—Artificial Intelligence Visual Programming Platform is an artificial intelligence programming platform designed for youth programming education by Adjacentech and Microsoft.

Based on a graphical online programming platform, combined with Microsoft Azure artificial intelligence cognitive services, to achieve zero threshold artificial intelligence visual programming teaching and hands-on experiments.


Fang Xiaozhi—Artificial Intelligence Visual Programming Platform is an artificial intelligence programming platform designed for youth programming education by Adjacentech and Microsoft.

Based on a graphical online programming platform, combined with Microsoft Azure artificial intelligence cognitive services, integrated into computing thinking and practice, writing teaching courses in line with teaching usage scenarios, to achieve zero threshold artificial intelligence visual programming teaching and hands-on experiments.

AI programming is currently the most popular module programming. Fang Xiaozhi's artificial intelligence visual programming platform can not only provide a technical platform for the Innovation Cup events and some student programming events, but also assist local schools and educational institutions with the ability to reach local schools and education.

If an institution wants to set up an artificial intelligence programming course, let the artificial intelligence programming platform teach through the supporting courses and practice in the education system.

Fang Xiaozhi AI-Platform Introduction

Fang Xiaozhi—Artificial Intelligence Visual Programming Platform is an artificial intelligence programming platform designed for youth programming education by Adjacentech and Microsoft.

Based on a graphical online programming platform, combined with Microsoft Azure artificial intelligence cognitive services, integrated into computing thinking and practice, writing teaching courses in line with teaching usage scenarios, to achieve zero threshold artificial intelligence visual programming teaching and hands-on experiments.


The artificial intelligence visual programming platform course is aimed at students of elementary and middle schools, and a systematic teaching plan covering all ages of elementary and middle schools.

Help them better understand artificial intelligence, through immersive learning experience, hands-on production to achieve innovative programming.

Artificial intelligence visual programming platform course development plan

Artificial intelligence courses based on Microsoft Cognitive Services, including: artificial intelligence technologies such as speech, language, vision, and search, from shallow to deep, combining theory with practice

Let students learn from zero foundation to master and apply to visual programming platform for programming, applying artificial intelligence scenarios.

Features and advantages of artificial intelligence visual programming platform

Easy to learn

Drag-and-drop visual programming to achieve zero-based entry

Advanced Technology

Real connect to the Microsoft artificial intelligence platform to implement custom programming scenarios and present results in real time

Core tutorial

Covering voice, semantic, image, text, search and other artificial intelligence scenarios that build real meaning

Fun and vibrant

Practicing learning to stimulate children's curiosity (through basic module learning, constructing complex artificial intelligence applications)

Targeted courses

Optimization challenges (challenges are too difficult and anxious; challenges are too simple,feeling bored; appropriate challenges to achieve the best learning results)

Individual culture

All-round training of concentration, memory, imagination, independent thinking, logical thinking.

Artificial Intelligence Visual Programming Platform Customer Benefits